What is smart charging?
Smart charging means you can intelligently manage how and when your EV charges and what energy sources it uses. This enables you to charge in the best way both in terms of cost and driver requirements, while also protecting your vehicle and building.
Smart charging offers many advantages for both businesses and private individuals, specifically in saving costs, minimizing the investment needed for additional electricity capacity and ease of management with handy dashboards and apps.
In practice, smart charging relies on sophisticated data exchange systems that are automated and integrated with AI to ensure the most economical, well-timed, driver-oriented and infrastructure-friendly solution.
Smappee’s real smart charging solutions make it hands-free to always charge at the best rates, with maximum solar energy and avoiding exorbitant capacity rates, which can save you up to 50% on charging costs. You can also rest assured that your EV will always be charged at the time and level you require. Another real smart feature of Smappee, load balancing, protects your building (no tripping) and can save you up to 25% on installation costs.