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In this proclaimer, the following terms are defined as stated below:


Smappee NV, having its registered office at Evolis 104, B-8530 Harelbeke, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number BE0849.366.642 (RPR/RPM Ghent, division Kortrijk), e-mail: info@smappee.com & affiliate companies.

Smappee Services BV, having its registered office at Evolis 104, B-8530 Harelbeke, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number BE0835.376.866 (RPR/RPM Ghent, division Kortrijk), e-mail: info@smappeeservices.com & affiliate companies.

Smappee Inc., having its registered office at 55 Madison Avenue, Suite 400 55, Madison Avenue, Suite 400, Morristown, New Jersey (US)07960, United States; listed under enterprise number  VAT. EIN61-1750640, e-mail: info@smappee.com & affiliate companies.

‚Purchaser‘: any legal entity (B2B) that has or will be having a contractual relationship of whatever nature with Smappee.

‚Products‘: the subject of one or more sales contracts, in this case – but not exclusively limited to – the energyproduct ‘Smappee’, consisted of hardware, software, websites and webservices. Smappee is fully aware of the content of her own terms.

1. What is a disclaimer?

Smappee attaches great value to correct information. For instance, we do not use disclaimers; we use proclaimers. So what is the difference? We do not like to hide behind legal jargon. We do on the other hand want to ensure your online experience is complete and flawless.

2. What can I expect from the Smappee products?

You can expect Smappee to use information (text, images, documents, links, and codes) that is up-to-date and reliable. The documents do of course serve as general information. Although Smappee endeavours and does everything within its powers to guarantee the correctness of its products and the website, it cannot be held liable for or committed to the consequences of incorrect or incomplete information. Every visit of the Smappee website is therefor on own risk. This implies, especially, all recorded data, indicators of consumption, indications of prices and real-time notification.

3. I’ve noticed a mistake on the website.

Smappee will change, correct or fully or partially remove the details within 15 working days of having been made aware of details being incorrect. Smappee informs the user that notified the incorrect details on the solution.

Did you see incorrect or incomplete details yourself? Send an e-mail to info@smappee.com. We appreciate your assistance!

4. Are the website, text, images, documents and/or code subject to intellectual property right?

All information provided, in whatever form (text, images, code, documents such as PDF, Word and other) is subject to copyright by operation of law, which means the information cannot be reproduced or disclosed without the prior written consent of Smappee.

5. Can I use the Smappee logo or name?

Intellectual property rights are also taken to mean trademark rights (European trademark ‘Smappee’ 011856358), drawing and design rights and/or other (intellectual property) rights, as well as (non) patentable technical and/or commercial know-how, methods and concepts.

In other words, you cannot use the logo or brand name of Smappee without our consent. If you want our (written) consent, please contact us (see item 1).

6. What about links to other sites on the Smappee website?

URLs (or links) contained on our website or other electronic communication portals, which are in fact not controlled by Smappee, are visited at the User’s own responsibility.

7. Confidential nature and applicable law

As stipulated in our general terms and conditions, each communication with us will be treated in confidence. Belgian law applies.