Group Vandecasteele offers customers Smappee charging stations via SunTronics
“Local partner with best ‘future-proof’ technology”
Making things easy for both customers and themselves in the best possible way: that is, in a nutshell, the main reason why Group Vandecasteele works together with installer SunTronics and Smappee for offering electric mobility. Certainly for the near future, this is an approach in which many customers of the mobility group will be able to find themselves.

Group Vandecasteele is a big name in the Belgian mobility industry. The family business distributes 8 brands (Peugeot, DS, Citroën, Opel, Fiat, Abarth, Alfa Romeo and Jeep), sells 2000 second-hand cars of all brands every year via VDC Car and wants to expand its network of e-bike shops under the name Hello Velo. With Vancia Car Lease, it also has a multi-brand leasing company and offers an electric shared mobility concept, where interested parties can hire various electric shared cars.
“E-mobility is becoming more important to us by the day”, says Steve Coryn, B2B manager at Group Vandecasteele. “The private customer is a bit reluctant, but certainly fleet customers get fully involved. Plug-in hybrids and fully electric cars are gaining in popularity. This will improve even more when the ‘full electrics’ come with a better driving range and shorter charging times. Then the transition will achieve an even greater momentum. Exactly for this reason, it is vital that we can fall back on strong partners for the charging stations themselves as well as for the installation.”
For the installation of charging stations, we were soon sorted with Group Vandecasteele. “SunTronics is not just a good customer of ours, they previously took care of the PV installation on our roofs. Then we already knew that they guarantee quality.”
“Actually, just as with a car, you should consider the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) . Anyone who does that automatically reaches the conclusion that the price-quality ratio (of Smappee charging stations) is very interesting.”
Steve Coryn, B2B Director at Group Vandecasteele
Also for the choice of charging stations, the mobility partner chose entirely for a local partner. “Of course, we sussed out the market thoroughly. The choice for Smappee is logical and reasoned. Firstly, it is a local partner. Secondly, the charging stations stand out thanks to their lovely design and the built-in intelligence. It’s true, the purchase price is a bit higher because of this, but it is certainly worthwhile. “Actually, just as with a car, you should chart the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Anyone who does that automatically reaches the conclusion that the price-quality ratio is very interesting. If something happens to go wrong, then thanks to one phone call you are assured of a smooth service in your own language.”
Energy monitoring
SunTronics has branches in Wielsbeke and Sint-Eloois-Winkel. The specialist in energy solutions takes care of the installation of for instance solar panels, energy monitoring and charging stations for private individuals and business customers. “For some time now, we have been well acquainted with the solutions of Smappee”, explains Pieter Seynaeve, marketing manager at SunTronics. “We got to know this trendsetter in intelligent energy systems via their very high-performing system for energy monitoring. When in the autumn of 2021, the legislation for electric mobility was approved, it was very clear to us to also join forces with Smappee for the (green) power supply. Their charging stations are currently the only ones about which we dare to say that they are guaranteed to still be interesting in ten years’ time. Whereas conventional charging stations just charge full with the same power, with an EV Wall system by Smappee, you can even control the whole energy supply of your house(hold). Certainly if the capacity rate comes into force, this will be even more important. Furthermore, installing charging stations is now interesting from a tax perspective, certainly for companies. Such an investment is completely tax deductible. This bonus is even doubled if you make the charging station available to the public.”
“Their (Smappee) charging stations are currently the only ones about which we dare to say that they are guaranteed to still be interesting in ten years’ time.”
Pieter Seynaeve, SunTronics
The ‘train’ of electric driving is on the rails, but still has to reach full power. “Before the transition breaks loose, our sellers will have received a thorough training about all the aspects of electric driving at Smappee,”, Steve Coryn joins in. “It is important that they tell the whole story and that they also make it clear to people what adjustments electric driving entails.”
Conclusive offer
If a customer contacts Group Vandecasteele for the investment in one or more electric vehicles, they immediately pass on their contact details to SunTronics. “We then pay a visit, both to companies and to private individuals”, explains Pieter Seynaeve. “That is vital, because every situation is different. For companies, we check what earthworks are still needed for the car park, whether a cabin must possibly be added… In houses, we look at what electrical supplies are available and whether it is necessary to adjust the electricity cabinet. This information is vital for being able to draw up a conclusive, transparent offer.”
Group Vandecasteele and SunTronics are enthusiastic about the collaboration with Smappee. “For anyone who invests in such smart systems, the future of electric driving looks bright”, Steve Coryn and Pieter Seynaeve agree.
Customer. Group Vandecasteele
Installer. SunTronics
Country. Belgium
Industry. Mobility
Group Vandecasteele distributes 8 car makes (Peugeot, DS, Citroën, Opel, Fiat, Abarth, Alfa Romeo and Jeep) from 6 branches. In addition, on an annual basis via VDC Cars it sells 2000 second hand cars and with Vancia Lease it also offers its own leasing solutions. With Hello Velo, it has its own shop for e-bikes.
For private and business customers who buy a hybrid or completely electric vehicle, Group Vandecasteele wishes to propose an all-in package, including the installation of electric charging stations at company car parks and/or at people’s homes.
SunTronics, which previously took care of all the installation of solar panels for Group Vandecasteele, ensures the installation of the EV Wall charging stations by Smappee. Both SunTronics and the car company opt for this solution because of the aesthetic design of the EV Wall and the built-in intelligence. It ensures that the charging process makes optimum use of solar energy and meanwhile also looks after the energy monitoring of all the electric supplies for the company or the private individual. In addition to the technological advantage, the local identity of Smappee is also a plus point: as a result, both companies are asssured of a good support and continual updates of the installed charging stations.
- Making things easy for Group Vandecasteele regarding all the questions about charging stations
- Integrated service for investments in (semi-)electric mobility
- Added value of specialised, local installers for implementation of charging stations
- High return on investment thanks to numerous advantages of electric driving in relation to fossil fuels
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Smappee, Smart EV Charging Department
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