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Smart and flexible customised energy management.

The Smappee Infinity system allows users to further optimise their energy consumption. The perfectly thought-out modularity ensures you can always adapt energy management to your own needs. Communication is the key word here. In this blog post, we will tell you which cloud communication modules are available and what their possibilities are. Two own gateways …

Smart charging becomes the norm, and Smappee leads the way.

There was a time when a charging station did not really create any significant added value for the user. It’s a shame, because a smart charging station makes it possible to make optimal use of the many possibilities of modern energy systems. Smappee’s smart charging stations are a true leader in this approach. A mere …

Why your choice of charging station and charge card provider is crucial.

You’ve made the decision: you’re switching to an electric vehicle. That’s great, but the stressful choices aren’t quite finished. Pertinent questions start to pop up such as  ‘Is there a universal charging pass to charge everywhere?‘ or ‘How exactly are charging sessions on public charging stations paid?‘ At the same time, a whole world of completely new but …

How solar installers can educate customers about smart energy monitoring.

How to convince someone to get smart energy? We took many questions from solar installers who were eager to understand how Smappee and more broadly, energy monitoring technology can help expand their business beyond their core solar markets and how best to sell their expanding solutions to their customers. We understand that smart solar+consumption monitoring …

3 ways to submeter appliances.

Thanks to Smappee, you can access your customers’ real-time energy consumption and production data in several ways. What is more, the energy data can be available down to appliance level by submetering a specific appliance or group of appliances. Find out here how to get the most out of Smappee’s submetering options… Option 1: Submeter …

Self sufficiency at home in 10 effective steps.

10 tips to optimise your self sufficiency. Use renewable energy resources when they’re available. Simply put: maximise the use of your solar energy during the day. Predictive solar forecasts are very useful here. Smappee’s sophisticated Artificial Intelligence can predict both your energy consumption -based on your consumption pattern- and your solar production -based on local …

Energy management analytics: a driving force behind Smappee’s energy insights.

Thanks to high-speed computer processing and ever-smarter algorithms, the art and science of data analytics, energy management analytics more specifically, have progressed mightily since the days of hand-crafted pie charts and Venn diagrams drawn with compasses and protractors. The ability to show historical and real-time information in easy-to-read formats on multiple devices has revolutionised the business world as …

Analyse and use energy data with the Smappee Dashboard.

Smappee provides a large amount of valuable, actionable energy data that can be accessed in multiple ways. There’s an API for integration with EMS/BMS systems, a user-friendly app for consumers, and a comprehensive professional dashboard for in-depth analysis. Let’s take a tour of the Smappee Dashboard! Log in to the Smappee Dashboard from the navigation …

Time to save energy!

Next to transportation, households are the largest energy-consuming sector. E.g. households account for 27.2% of the total final energy consumption in the EU. It has become obvious that it’s crucial to lower the energy consumption of our households as much as possible. Houses and apartment buildings can be modified and equipped with solar panels, extra …

Make buildings even smarter and more energy-efficient with the Smappee App.

Our user-friendly app offers a real-time and historical overview for electricity, solar, gas and water in kWh, currency and graphics. The Smappee Energy Monitor app is available for iOS and Android from Appstore or GooglePlay in 6 languages. Users can detect always on power, energy guzzlers and learn more about their energy consumption and how …