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Time to save energy!

Next to transportation, households are the largest energy-consuming sector. E.g. households account for 27.2% of the total final energy consumption in the EU. It has become obvious that it’s crucial to lower the energy consumption of our households as much as possible. Houses and apartment buildings can be modified and equipped with solar panels, extra …

New Smappee module adds intelligence to smart meters worldwide.

Smappee is launching a smart meter module that adds intelligence to all digital energy meters world wide. The module is plug and play and reads the smart meter to offer consumers valuable insights into their energy consumption. Via the Smappee App they can track the always on power, gas and water consumption and real-time data …

Make buildings even smarter and more energy-efficient with the Smappee App.

Our user-friendly app offers a real-time and historical overview for electricity, solar, gas and water in kWh, currency and graphics. The Smappee Energy Monitor app is available for iOS and Android from Appstore or GooglePlay in 6 languages. Users can detect always on power, energy guzzlers and learn more about their energy consumption and how …

Electric vehicle parking at The Outlook offices at Schiphol just got smart.

ENGIE, Smappee and EVBox are joining forces to put The Outlook building at Schiphol Central Business District at the heart of a green transport revolution. Microsoft employees working at The Outlook building, managed by Schiphol Real Estate, can charge their electric cars at one of the 40 new charging stations. Interestingly enough, the building’s infrastructure …

Smappee launches the Smappee Infinity Modbus energy meter.

Smart energy monitoring manufacturer Smappee has debuted its new Modbus energy meter. Tailored for industrial and commercial sites, Smappee’s Modbus energy meter offers accurate submetering and energy metering functionalities such as current, line voltages, phase voltages, frequency, active and reactive energy, power quality registers, two-way data for cumulative registers. The data is transferred via Modbus …

Smappee allows construction companies to comply with ISO energy standards.

Affordable accurate energy insights. The construction business is changing quickly. Reducing environmental impacts and improving energy efficiency are becoming increasingly important. Compliance with ISO standards is no longer just a competitive advantage but an absolute must to be considered for certain clients or projects. Monitoring and controlling energy consumption on construction sites not only has the …

Award-winning smart energy management tool comes to Africa.

Today, smart energy monitoring manufacturer Smappee announced that it is pushing its international growth with a local representation in Africa. Smappee’s smart energy management ecosystem provides Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and Value-Added Resellers (VARs) with a comprehensive tool to gather detailed, real-time energy data -for electricity, solar, gas and water. This will empower them to …

Smappee helps grid operators maintain grid balance with growing adoption of PV and EVs.

Mobile metering solution for industrial environments. In recent years, renewable energy has enjoyed great success among households, mainly in the form of solar panels and increasingly EVs. Notwithstanding the fact that this evolution benefits environmental goals, it’s the cause of an important challenge for grid operators. Users are now both consuming and producing energy, disrupting …

Insights and control for Property Managers.

Offices, schools, hotels, clinics, apartment blocks are all examples of large buildings housing many people with their own needs. The common denominator is that none of them are directly confronted with their consumption bills. In the areas of heating and cooling, small changes in usage can substantially affect total consumed energy. Smappee and IntesisHome are …

WWF reduces its energy use worldwide.

Solar electricity and energy efficiency are crucial components of our planet’s sustainable energy future. To pave the way for policy and other organizations WWF launched the WWF Upfront program in 2016. This three-phased approach turns WWF’s operations more energy efficient and powers them with renewable energy, one office at a time. At the base of energy …