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Group Vandecasteele offers customers Smappee charging stations via SunTronics

“Local partner with best ‘future-proof’ technology” Making things easy for both customers and themselves in the best possible way: that is, in a nutshell, the main reason why Group Vandecasteele works together with installer SunTronics and Smappee for offering electric mobility. Certainly for the near future, this is an approach in which many customers of …

Cotton Park invests in future proof charging stations.

A contemporary business centre without facilities for electric vehicles? Not acceptable, according to Jan Decoene, the driving force behind Cotton Park in Kortrijk. He commissioned Ceratec, his total partner for industrial electricity, to install 56 Smappee charging points. As a result, the 20 or so companies that rent office space there will soon be able …

Simple and correct settlement of charging sessions, thanks to split billing.

Switching to an electric or hybrid fleet is in full swing at companies. The traditional fuel card is gradually being replaced by a charging card, but that has an important consequence that’s not always considered beforehand: the correct settlement of employees’ charging costs. Smappee has an in-house solution for this that will be music to …

Cutting on your energy bills thanks to V2G and V2H.

The breakthrough of solar energy has been nothing short of impressive over the past decade. Moreover, technological evolution ensures that solar energy is used more and more optimally and, therefore, more cost-effectively. Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G for short) and Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) are two important examples of this evolution, with the charging station serving as a central regulator …

Smart and flexible customised energy management.

The Smappee Infinity system allows users to further optimise their energy consumption. The perfectly thought-out modularity ensures you can always adapt energy management to your own needs. Communication is the key word here. In this blog post, we will tell you which cloud communication modules are available and what their possibilities are. Two own gateways …

Smart charging becomes the norm, and Smappee leads the way.

There was a time when a charging station did not really create any significant added value for the user. It’s a shame, because a smart charging station makes it possible to make optimal use of the many possibilities of modern energy systems. Smappee’s smart charging stations are a true leader in this approach. A mere …

Why your choice of charging station and charge card provider is crucial.

You’ve made the decision: you’re switching to an electric vehicle. That’s great, but the stressful choices aren’t quite finished. Pertinent questions start to pop up such as  ‘Is there a universal charging pass to charge everywhere?‘ or ‘How exactly are charging sessions on public charging stations paid?‘ At the same time, a whole world of completely new but …

Charging station installer opts for really smart charging.

Jimmy Van den Abbeele and Joke Oorts of installation company Energie+ work with Smappee’s products. What’s more, the enterprising duo installed a Smappee charging station at their home. What’s remarkable with the Smappee charging station, is the ability to charge not only dynamically, but also smartly. Smart use of energy. Smappee, an expert in energy …

E-Flux and Smappee start collaboration.

Today we will announce a brand new partnership with Belgian cleantech company Smappee. Smappee’s charging stations can be connected to the E-Flux eMobility platform. Together we offer a complete charging solution for companies and organisations that want to become more sustainable. Smappee’s first series of charging stations is called the Smappee EV Base. The EV Base …

How solar installers can educate customers about smart energy monitoring.

How to convince someone to get smart energy? We took many questions from solar installers who were eager to understand how Smappee and more broadly, energy monitoring technology can help expand their business beyond their core solar markets and how best to sell their expanding solutions to their customers. We understand that smart solar+consumption monitoring …